Flow 3.0 Update is finally released! It comes with lots of new features and major changes. The most important one is moving Asset Painter & Material Painter from panels into the toolbars for better convenience & easier usage. Other thing is integrating Flow with Blender’s Asset Browser for even better access to your assets. Check the complete list below
Asset Painter & Material Painter moved to Toolbar
To reduce the number of addon panels, Flow Asset Painter and Material Painter have been transformed into the comfortable tools, that can be now found among the Blender tools. Also we’ve strongly improved the functionality of each of this tools. Detailed overview and tutorials can be found here:
Asset Painter (Flow 3.0) Tutorial
Material Painter (Flow 3.0) Tutorial

Asset Painter – Collection painting mode
You can now create special collections for Asset Painter, that will help you with precise scattering the selected assets in your scene. You can add the assets into your Painter Collections, tweak their sizes and probability individually. For example, you can now paint 10 types of grasses, having some single weeds or rocks among them, distributed with specified probability. You can also use this collections later or export them into another file, without the need of loading each asset again. You will learn more about the Asset Painter Collections from our tutorial.

Asset Browser integration
Flow is now integrated with Blender Asset Browser. All objects and materials that you will be adding with Flow, will be now also marked as assets and moved into the specified categories. So if you connect your Flow library to the Blender Asset Browser, you will be able to browse the assets inside the Blender’s browser. Furthermore – all the assets will gain the beautiful rendered previews instead of Blender low-quality automatically generated previews.

Surface Painter integration
We’ve also added the support for our other addon – Surface Painter. All the material groups, that will be created with it’s help will be now accessible in the Flow assets properties, just as regular Flow Property Node Groups.

Discover Surface Painter
Get Surface Painter
Many UI changes & bugfixes
We’ve made dozens of small changes in the Flow interface and provided lots of minor bugfixes to improve the overall stability. As a result of moving Asset & Material Painters into the toolbar, Flow Asset Painter has been disabled (you can still enable it in the preferences if you want)